High-percentage Blue Valentine Driftwood And Hancock Horses
Blue Valentine 43.75%
Co-owned with Lauing Ranch
Driftwood 25%
On lease from KeSa Quarter Horses
Blue Valentine 32.81 %
Hancocks Blue Boy 25.00 %
Joe Hancock 14.28 %
FQHA 98.19%
Fox Coup 37.50%
Blue Valentine 32.81%
Gooseberry 31.25%
Joe Hancock 11.72%
FQHA 94.14%
Driftwood Sensation 50 %
Blue Fox Hancock 25%
Driftwood 12.50%
FQHA 97.27%
Setumup Speedy 50%
Driftwood 25%
FQHA 100%
Mr Junewood 50%
Driftwood Ike 18.75%
Driftwood 15.63%
He's the brother to the all around champion stud Mr Fritzwood.
Ruano Rojo 50%
Blue Valentine 40.63%
Red Man 20.51%
FQHA 96.88%
This one's a very rare stud!